العنوان: تحميل كتاب البداية في علم المواريث – وحيد عبد السلام بالي pdf تأليف :وحيد عبد السلام بالي الناشر :دار ابن رجب تاريخ الطبعة: 2003 عدد الأجزاء : 1 عدد الصفحات :172 حجم الكتاب: 23 ميقا
The study by Reference Khanna, Vieta and Lyons Khanna et al 2005 was distinguished by relatively high YMRS scores on entry mean score 37; about 30 higher than in most other studies of atypical antipsychotics in mania, and by a high rate of study completion on risperidone with low dropout rates, particularly for lack of efficacy ger prescriptions online for proscar
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تم التعليق علي بواسطة 0 إبلاغ اساءة)
The study by Reference Khanna, Vieta and Lyons Khanna et al 2005 was distinguished by relatively high YMRS scores on entry mean score 37; about 30 higher than in most other studies of atypical antipsychotics in mania, and by a high rate of study completion on risperidone with low dropout rates, particularly for lack of efficacy ger prescriptions online for proscar